Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Oaks of Righteousness

The Spirit of God, the Master, is on me because God anointed me.
He sent me to preach good news to the poor,
heal the heartbroken,
Announce freedom to all captives,
pardon all prisoners.
God sent me to announce the year of his grace—
a celebration of God's destruction of our enemies—
and to comfort all who mourn,
To care for the needs of all who mourn in Zion,
give them bouquets of roses instead of ashes,
Messages of joy instead of news of doom,
a praising heart instead of a languid spirit.
Rename them "Oaks of Righteousness"
planted by God to display his glory. -- Isaiah 61:1-3 MSG

When we accept Christ, we have a NEW identity. He no longer counts our sins against us; no matter what the sins were. He became sin so that you and I could have the righteousness of God in Christ!!! That IS the good news!! Pay attention here: this is a GIFT from God. What I want to ask you today is: will you receive it and will you walk in it?

Jesus's death on a wooden cross to the point of being beaten, crushed, and whipped is so that you and I can be healed. When Jesus looks at you, He sees what He accomplished for you on the cross with that one sacrifice and HE IS SATISFIED. Because of His sacrifice, Jesus made it possible for you and I to be counted righteous, for He bore all our sins.

I see righteousness as the greatest gift of love that God could ever give us because He did this while we did not deserve it. When He looks at you, He sees you as perfect because of your being righteous IN HIM. This is the exact reason you qualify for EVERY promised blessing of God. Now, what does your heart truly believe?

I believe the only way to truly live the abundant life that Christ died to give us is to get in agreement with God on every single thing in the Word and live it out. There are times that your feelings and your mind will lag behind, but your true worth is stated in the infallible Word of God, and that is what you have to stand on and receive as TRUTH. So many times we question His promise instead of just receiving it in faith.

Most importantly we have to 1. KNOW GOD and 2. KNOW WHO WE ARE IN CHRIST
We have to learn how to see ourselves not in ourselves but in Christ. He is the Living God living inside us as the Holy Spirit. We have to confront the devil and the enemy's tactics. We have to stand our ground and we do this by believing God and what He says about us. We have to constantly remember to 'renew our minds', like Romans 12:2 tells us. This simply means to get your thoughts back into agreement with God's Word. This comes from your personal relationship with Christ. We believe so much more of what we say to ourselves than what someone else says to us and being in His Word, so start speaking His Word out loud to yourself.

From Genesis to Revelation, God calls us to be bold and courageous, take new ground and exercise the authority He has given us. What are you waiting for? 'His Kingdom come, His will be done, on earth as it is in Heaven'...Why would we not want to live out the life He died to give us?

In Christ we have:

  • A love that can never be fathomed.

  • A life that can never die.

  • A righteousness that can never be tarnished.

  • A peace that can never be understood.

  • A rest that can never be disturbed.

  • A joy that can never be diminished.

  • A hope that can never be disappointed.

  • A glory that can never be clouded.

  • A light that can never be darkened.

  • A purity that can never be defiled.

  • A beauty that can never be marred.

  • A wisdom that can never be baffled.

  • Resources that can never be exhausted.

So, let me ask you again, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? He is right beside you!!

Lord, thank YOU for the spirit of power, love and sound mind that you have given us. May all who read this blog have many blessings today and may we all walk in Your freedom and proclaim to all the world of Your great love. Jesus, Your name is Power and it's in Your Great Name that we pray....thank You for saving us.

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