The following is a glimpse out of a daily devotional/journal entry I receive daily. As I read this today, I am reminded that life is good! It certainly is not easy right now and it is quite painful but in the midst of the pain, God continues to woo me and to love me. He shelters us in the storm of life and I am thankful.
I am constantly showered in encouragement from friends. I am able to talk with my parents in a realistic view point and share spiritual insight. I know what the human eye is sensitive to but am so thoroughly encouraged as to what the spiritual eye is in tune to.
I pray today: Lord, I thank You for Your goodness. I thank YOU in the midst of storms of this life and I am ever aware that NOTHING separates me from YOUR love. May I be keenly aware of all the good and wonderful things You have created.
When your heart wakes up...
The sky stretches out its arms in the early inky blue of spring, stars flung here and there, twinkling lights that wink above the trees.
My husband and I light the fire pit, pull up chairs next to each other, turn on music, remember how it feels after winter is over.
These moments--I shut my eyes, draw in a deep breath--try to capture them, keep them, like little glimpses of heaven.
And I believe again...
that life is good
God is close
and I am loved
It's not that I ever forget. I think sometimes I just stop paying attention. I fall asleep at the wheel of life. I stop hearing what's true, stop seeing what really matters, stop feeling like who I really am.
Then God sends along a night knit together, woven with wind, filled with fire, and suddenly I am awake.
Oh, yes, my heart recalls.
I am made for more than the everyday.
I am fashioned for eternity.
Sometimes it seems I hold a speck of it in my hand.
Not much at all, really.
Just enough to jolt me back to joy.
And once again I'm a dreamer with her eyes wide open.
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